
About Me

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As an avid comic reader since young, Shawn was heavily influenced by the glamour of a comic creator. But as lazy as he could be, he chosen an easy life. Discovering that it is not such an easy life after all, Shawn was plunge deep into an even harder (for him) road of comic creation after knowing a bunch of fanatics... Ever since, Shawn has been involved in numerous comic related works and events, providing seminars, courses and workshops. He also provided comics/graphical services and solutions to clients in order to keep his dream alive.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Project Red Comic Print

My comic out in print!
The comic is not out yet as the distributor requires some time to put it into the market. Here's a photo as a preview to take a look at the actual book itself.

Hope you guys give all your support!

I am getting REALLY excited!